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avoiding shortcuts in fitness and life

Avoiding Shortcuts in Fitness and in Life

This post is from one of our community contributors. The content and the opinions expressed here are the author’s and not our staff’s. With shortcuts, it´s like with a lot of the good things in life – they either are too expensive, unhealthy or only half as good as they sound. It seems to be…

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/wp-content/themes/dt-the7/inc/extensions/aq_resizer.php on line 109

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best yoga festivals in the united states

The 5 Best Yoga Festivals in 2017

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yoga is a personal, spiritual practice for most who participate, but it also comes with a fantastic community element. Yoga classes are taught in groups, and we bond with the people around us. This gets kicked up a notch further at the magical events known as “yoga festivals”. The best yoga festivals bring together hundreds…

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